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Please see the link below for DCIF's current newsletter.



DCIF's next meeting is scheduled for 7th November

from 10am-12.30pm. 

New EU Project!! - "InterMu-Se"
Inter-religious coalition building
against anti-Muslim hatred and

 DCIF is delighted to be part of new EU project aiming to combat discrimination      and intolerance, in particular on grounds of religion and/or ethnic origin. 
  InterMu- Se aims to address negative stereotypes and intolerance against     Jewish people and against Muslims, and to build trust and understanding     between Christian, Jewish and Muslim communities, by:

  - enhancing availability of data and understanding on how members of Islamic     and Jewish religious communities experience prejudice, and of their own     prejudice and stereotypes against the “other” communities;
  - enhancing access of religious leaders, faith-based institutions and civil society   to tailored tools and guidelines for facilitating inter-religious dialogue and   cooperation at local (community) level;
- building the capacities and sensitization of religious leaders, faith-based   institutions and civil society (Islamic, Jewish, Christian and/or other) on   supporting intercultural and interfaith/inter-religious understanding and   cooperation at local level;
  - enhancing interfaith/inter-religious dialogue and cooperation at local level   between religious leaders/communities, civil society and other local stakeholders;
  engaging people from different faith/religious communities in dialogue and joint   action addressing the needs of their local community;
  - raising public awareness and understanding of negative stereotypes and       misconceptions against Jewish people and Muslims, and on common traits     between different faiths/religions that bring people together.  More

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DCIF marks the UN Day of Peace with Conference on 'Building Peaceful and Resilient Communities in Our Cities'

This year, the Dublin City Interfaith Forum (DCIF) marked the UN Day of Peace by organizing a series of events that brought together peers and friends from Belfast, Birmingham, Edinburgh, and across Ireland. The program included a one-day conference hosted by the Lord Mayor of Dublin and focused on the role of faith communities in addressing challenges posed by polarization and division in community.  There were visits to various places of worship around the city, and a seminar exploring on the critical role that faith communities play in responding to the climate crisis. We extend our gratitude to all speakers, facilitators, volunteers, and guests for making these events possible..

Details and reports on these events in our newsletter here

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 When local community leaders, faith leaders and community gardaí come together to look at the issues of hate and extremism, it presents a rare opportunity to get to know one another, share experiences and reflect on the harm and impact whilst identifying areas of common concern.   Commencing on the 20th March 2025, attendees will start sessions from 5.30 pm. Over 6 weeks, Safe Haven training will help participants learn to:

Recognise – hate speech, hate crime, radicalisation and violent extremism;

Report – through statutory and non-statutory mechanisms such as the independent iReport, An Garda Síochána, Irish Human Rights & Equality Commission and Intergovernmental Agencies; Support – through interfaith activities, victim support referral, pastoral care, restorative practices and coalition-building.

  DCIF Safe Haven advocate, Bridget O'Flaherty sharing experience of SH training

             The 'Faiths in Focus' Project

We were thrilled to work with the amazing team at Chester Beatty with support from the Heritage Council Ireland in developing "Faiths in Focus". This project fosters an understanding and harmony amidst diverse faith communities in Dublin City. Click on the title to watch the insightful video series showcasing the profound dialogues among DCIF colleagues stimulated through the exploration of religious artifacts from the fabulous collection at the museum.

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DCIF is Celebrating 10 Years Since Its Foundation! 

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© Dublin City Interfaith Forum

Charity Reg. No. 20202705

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