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Download Centre


Contains published signed off documents only. Further materials/information available for specific projects

This can be obtained by emailing the office( Contact section)

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Download Centre

The publications below are available to download free of charge.  DCIF members receive access to all reports and publications before general release. 
For more information and to find out how to join DCIF community please contact


-You may print or download to a local drive, extracts for your personal use only.
- You may copy the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you acknowledge the website as the source of the material
- You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute the content

Points of Interest

Interfaith Voices - Interfaith Interpretations: Ethical perspectives on Poverty, Racism, Interreligious Hatred and Slavery

Baha'i - Ethical Views
00:00 / 06:55
Hinduism - Ethical Views
00:00 / 07:40
Judaism - Ethical Views
00:00 / 05:15
Islam - Ethical Views
00:00 / 06:51
Buddhism - Ethical Views
00:00 / 04:41
Sikhism - Ethical Views
00:00 / 03:31

DCIF short video introducing Safe Haven anti-racism training and MEASC Festival


This guide is a summary of the dos and don’ts of visiting sacred spaces in Dublin City.

QR Code 4 Do's & Don'ts.jpg

Dublin City Interfaith Charter

DCIF Interfaith Charter.jpg

© Dublin City Interfaith Forum

Charity Reg. No. 20202705

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